
I developed PrePro to be more interactive with my children at a younger age. And give them an activity to do on their own. As a parent, I don't believe putting children in front of the t.v. as a way to keep them occupied or exposing them to excessive use of video games. 

I believe in building a strong bond with your children doing activities that are more face to face. I also wanted to increase their motor skills so when it came time to play with their friends, participate in P.E. class or play for a team they would have the confidence to play at the same or higher level than their peers. 

When I would look for tennis sport training aids to use with my kids, the rackets were either too big or the ball was too advanced. I wanted something to be light weight they could swing, wouldn't cause tears if hitting their sibling and ball was the right pace to have instant success but at the same time was challenging enough to keep their interests. 

PrePro training aid is the perfect storm. It's light weigh foam paddles are easy to swing and wont harm their hitting partner. The balloon floats through the air at a slow enough pace to make good contact every time. Even if your child misses, they still have an opportunity to swing at the balloon and hit it again! In the many years I used the training aid with my own children not a single object was broken in the house from the balloon or a bruise was caused from the paddles. 

I also wanted to have something inside we could play on cold, windy, wet or extremely hot days. I found when my kids were active they were much better behaved. There was less squabbling with their siblings, they were more relaxed with their energy being spent and apt to listen to what I was asking them to do more during the day. 

I hope you enjoy the PrePro training aid as much as I did with my own children.

Phil Whitesell